Monthly Archives: August 2020


Todd Bryson (424) 343-6530 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE   PACIFIC INSULATION SUPPLY REACHES INDIANAPOLIS   Pacific Insulation Supply Provides Insulation Products and Supplies for Homeowner and Contractors   Indianapolis, In. July 31st, 2020. Today Pacific Insulation Supply announced they would start services for Indianapolis’ residents and contractors. Starting August 1st, […]

How to Install Vapor Barriers Perfectly

Wall insulation is the second most important insulation to have in your home. The wall area is the second most common and important leak for indoor weather and ambiance conditioning any household has. As a result, it is the second most important energy bill leak for any family economy. Sadly, wall insulation still seems to […]

Insulating an Unvented Attic and Be Successful at it

Per Johns Manville.…….. Proper Installation Proper installation occurs directly under a sloped roof deck over an unvented attic space where no soffit, eave, gable, or ridge vents are installed in the roof.1 Also, in an unvented attic, the eaves and roof deck are air-sealed, rather than the attic floor. Insulation is then installed up to […]